过程还算惊险但是这个故事根本没说清楚啊freddy为什么要杀他们啊如果为了复仇为什么不直接报复父母们呢他是恋童癖啊哈啊哈哈啊哈哈好棒啊应该爱孩子而不是杀孩子啊不过rooney mara直接加分啊我真是爱死她了最后她说“now u r in my world bitch”然后一刀封喉真是帅毙了片尾的音乐真是小清新囧~
I respect the power of the ability to earn money and to change lives of other people. Being a gifted person does not only mean that you could earn great money but also means that you have more responsibility to help others to reach their life goals! I’ve learn so much from Glenn, and am really shocked by his stories which is impossible in China