He is lonely.“做真实的自己那感觉太爽了”小男孩的角色awesome 即使肢体上破碎也要“go fxxk yourself “破碎是为了重建“变态”的孩子遇上“变态”的成年人重新开始新的人生老赵抱着月月在厨房做欧美视频里面那几段音乐也都恰到好处
除了律师离婚没有赢家离婚于他更残酷但整段婚姻对她更残忍因为她爱他更多可哪段感情经得起用奉献作比较朋友说:爱的本质是消磨是啊爱太复杂了黏黏腻腻又利弊不清但爱也是漫长岁月中会因全情投入而极其稀有地闪现的unmistakably 灵魂相叠燃烧着的那些时刻它们深沉、宁静、盛大而无可替代像片头互文的告白一如 Adam Driver 最后唱的那首歌我用了很多年才终于明白这点:人就是为了抵达那样的时刻而活着的
过于真实“the basis is Mary, Mother of Jesus. She is a virgin who gives birth, and dad is not there. He didn’t even do the fucking. He is in heaven. God is the father, and he did not show up. So you have to be perfect, and your husband can be a fucked up it’s does not matter. Mother will always be held to a different, higher standard.”