Since he died I see him every night, my great and brilliant sin... We have been always happy, always, I remember."I found it.""What?""Eternity...where the sun mingled with the sea."
新一边的重温又开始了这次补一下豆瓣这里的短评Just tell me I am the one第一季结尾抛出了这句贯穿6季的话可是BIG没有说什么转身就走了无非就是一句话的事情为什么不能给软腰1VN陈年笔趣阁其实我觉得这恰恰体现出了BIG的慎重交往那么短时间让BIG这种男人怎么轻易的说出这就话
I love this story. You will never know about a woman what she has been through.