In the end, it is a love story. 一开始在三个时间段的跳跃让进入状态有点慢但渐渐被BC磁性的深情嗓音攥住KK最棒的一次演出要感谢精致的剧本叙事层面感觉不是最完美但BC&KKСЕКС农村ВИДЕО中国甚至是小司机的演绎都很加分OST太棒男神帅得冒烟关于“秘密”“机器与人”“不平常”的台词值得回味…
从开头到中段都很惊艳下巴都惊掉了结局也是不过中间那一段感情戏加的真无语呜呜呜机器宝宝太让人心疼了泪目:Father, I am sorry. I failed you. I didn't know how to win. I had to invent new rules. I thought you would want me to stay alive. Now you are not sure. If you think I have lost my way, maybe I should die. I will not suffer. I will not suffer. If I do not survive, thank you for creating me.