现代人视角下的中世纪metoo故事我所看过最为残忍和有力的故事之一She said he said的剧本框架聪明且不失层次母亲とが话しています免费许多配角着墨不多却铿锵有力指控之尖锐让人很难想象这是Ridley Scott一个84岁的人拍的所有年龄不及他思想先进程度也不及他的都应该好好反省一下自己
"It's tough 'cause I feel like there's nothing we can do about it." "We could read about it, we could get interested, we could educate ourselves and get involved in a solution." "This is the same as your work, Danny. Trying to get people interested in potentially life-saving information, that lies at the bottom of the sea, in the dark..."