Definitely holds up. Emotional development-wise it's showing progress too: Lizzie becomes more outspoken ("just another item on the list"), Arthur hits rock bottom but then comes back up, Michael's lack of self-awareness leads him down the wrong path, and Tommy finally has the strength and clarity to recognize what's important.
昆丁稍微一用心就足以窃笑着俯瞰众生我觉得他最牛逼的一点是可以让所有大牌演员在他的电影里集体迷失自我并被注入昆式狡黠腔调当然中国医生 豆瓣这种腔调不仅仅是表现在角色身上配乐、运镜和台词通通昆丁范儿乖、贱、粗暴、不可复制Who's the nigger? D-j-a-n-g-o,D不发音