I thought it would tell such a story: one has to cross the line to the darker side in order to have the power to shed light again, but he or she will lose the true self in the process. Nevertheless, it turned out that the film was still promoting justice.
怎么衡量一部续作是否成功呢当你看完之后脑子里全部是前作的影子那显然续集是不成功的而我现在满脑子Let it go的旋律不光是音乐方面没突破故事陈词滥调让人昏睡美术方面还是很高水准可是我这电影票钱去逛美术馆它不香吗动画最重要的是什么想象力啊电影里呈现出的一切我看不到一丝迪士尼这种体量下迸发出的想象力疯马秀创新方面毫无作为迪士尼自己越来越像灭霸了至于怎么像大家仔细品品吧