赶回了公园单 back into the park. 现在这个国家的所有野牛 And now, every butfalo in the nation is descer 都是我的祖先在这儿找到的野牛! oftmhe bufalo my ancestors found right he 它们一开始的时候为什么会被猜 'Whyd they kill them in the first place? 因为纽约的有钱人 Wall, the rich people in New York 喜欢吃他们的舌头 liked to eat their tongues| 法国的女人喜欢穿它们的皮
You were born broken. There is no shame in dying for nothing. 第五集真是so American! 第九集太惨了……太惨了Margo rocks. Single woman at 40, can you afford to be picky? Fuck off. I'm not afraid of being alone.