This is exactly why I, and many other Star Wars fans hate the sequel trilogy. The only reason that Star Wars should be made is because there's a filmmaker who has a vision for a story that takes the expanse of a trilogy to be well told. It was never there for some self-branded British auteur to "subvert expectations." I HATE Rian Johnson sooo much.
《SSNI-518》有我中意嘅人物設定又有法國清純美人Sophie Marceau助陣但點解就系拍唔出該有的效果仲有三個月就要final exam身為教師的Valentine唸住一心一意地沉溺於學習當中點知遇上樂隊鍵盤手Ned在一晚的one night stand後便得到了愛神的眷戀兩人陷入熱戀儘管大部分時間是依靠煲電話粥嚟維持這份戀情但彼此對這樣的戀愛模式還是樂此不疲縱觀有種好似系度睇緊老港片的感覺勝在soundtrack動聽