It's a party, and you are both talking to other people, and you are laughing and shining. And the second you look across the room and catch each other's eyes, you just know that you love him/her, not because you are possessive. That's what I want in relationship, or life, love.
Vanitydefinitely my favorite sin. 从这个意义上来说全人类都是撒旦之子就来比一比谁更优秀而基努里维斯是如此优秀吸引撒旦失败一次再来一次野花香社区在线视频观看播放可以发展出无数个平行宇宙最终总能成功从法律界入手太讽刺了撒旦找虔信徒交撵挑衅上帝的心态也很好玩大家可真会演飙起戏来很过瘾遥想当年塞隆女神还有baby fat的时候结尾是既幼稚又猎奇又引人入胜是怎么回事前文鋪墊的時候也有很多有設計感的扭曲的小趣味很適合我的口味
@cinema on the edge 最后大扭特扭的一老太太像不像yoko ono? 简直一么一样